Interested in Network Engineering Courses? What you Should Know about Cloud Computing
Cloud computing has changed the way we store and access our data and documents and is an important tool for those interested in studying network engineering. Not only is it an amazing tool for the average person, it’s been beneficial to businesses streamlining their operations, and it’s definitely worth learning about when you study network engineering. Here are a few things you should know about cloud computing before you begin your courses.
Cloud Computing is the Way of the Future
Although cloud computing made its way into our collective consciousness in the mid-late ‘00s (and the term first being used back in 1996), it still feels like a very future-forward method of data storage. Acting as a metaphor of sorts for the Internet, the cloud allows for the storing, access, and downloading of data on various devices, with cloud services such as Apple’s iCloud, for example, offering 5 GB of free data before users have to pay for more. With the cloud, users can access documents and data pretty much instantly, and do so without the need for storing them on a physical device such as a USB key or external hard drive. Users also will not need to perform maintenance on the cloud, as that is taken care of by the cloud provider. In other words, the future is now.
The Cloud Isn’t Just Fast, it’s More Cost-Efficient for Businesses
Beyond the technological wonder of cloud computing in terms of how its speed and convenience can allow for heavy amounts of data to be accessed easily within a short amount of time, it’s also changed how businesses store information and access data online. For businesses, it’s an easy-to-use service that allows for quick access to company data and incentivizes productivity through eliminating IT management tasks and makes it easier for employees to do their work remotely. It also offers flexibility, as businesses can pay for storage packages from cloud providers depending on how much bandwidth they’ll need to use. Not only that, but cloud computing negates the need for companies to spend fortunes on hardware and software, or invest in space in their building for a data centre, which is great for small businesses that might not have the funds for those expenses. It’s not just a handy tool to have for data storage, it’s causing a shift in how businesses of various sizes carry out their daily operations.
Students in Network Engineering Courses Know Cloud Computing is Secure
One of the biggest calling cards for cloud computing is also in its capacity for security. Instead of saving everything to servers or hard drives, data can be primarily stored onto the cloud, and cloud providers will offer technologies, encryptions, and controls with which to protect data from threats or vulnerabilities. Even if you somehow lose or fry your computer, the cloud will keep your important data backed up, as it is stored on a bigger network rather than a physical device. Although it’s ultimately the user’s responsibility to make sure their cloud system is as air tight as possible— for example, by using extremely strong passwords—students pursuing network engineering training can surely appreciate not just how cloud computing works, but the ways in which it can keep data safe.
Interested in taking network engineering courses?Contact Canadian Business College to learn more.