The world we knew before the COVID-19 pandemic is very different from the world we are likely to get after it, and the information technology (IT) sector is unlikely to be any different. COVID-19 has hit a number of industries in unique ways, and IT has been impacted in ways both good and bad.
As lockdown measures around the world continue despite many countries flattening the curve, it’s worth examining how much the IT sector will truly be impacted once the pandemic has fully blown over. Here’s an idea of what information technology might look like in a post-coronavirus world.
Dominant Technologies Could Change After the Pandemic
One of the most significant ways we could see the IT industry change is the types of technology that are relied upon by companies and the general population. An example could come via the proliferation in usage of 5G technology, thanks in part to its heavy bandwidth, increased transmission speed, and expanded capacity for devices that can be connected to a 5G network, all of which lend themselves well to remote work. The latter point is particularly advantageous to the development of smart cities.
The surge in online traffic will also likely motivate companies to find technology that can withstand it while their employees work from home. As a result, students in a network engineering program should recognize the possible increase in dependence on multi-cloud computing solutions by companies.
Expect More Communication to Be Done Remotely Rather Than in Person
Due to the risk of contracting COVID-19, companies are now required to have employees work remotely in order to stay compliant with physical distancing guidelines. Not only does this have consequences from an economic standpoint, but from a networking one as well, since technology events and conferences cannot go ahead as planned unless done virtually.
It’s entirely possible that we could see more of these events taking place online for the foreseeable future, which is an upgrade in convenience for many people despite the financial loss that can result from it.
It’s also not unreasonable to envision many industries committing long-term to working from home, especially as many employees may not be itching to return to the office even after a vaccine has been found.
Network Engineering Program Students Should Also Recognize the Upsides
Despite the negative impacts the IT sector may face following the pandemic, those pursuing careers in technology would do well to also acknowledge its potential advantages. For example, technologies such as quantum computing can help expedite the development of research for illnesses like COVID-19.
Furthermore, the rise in popularity and usage of teleconferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet has helped people stay connected with their loved ones despite being stuck at home.
The increased reliance on technology could turn out to be beneficial for the industry as a result, especially as it is being heavily used to develop new technological means for countries to fight COVID-19, such as contact tracing apps. Whatever happens, there will be positive changes for the IT sector coming — and intriguing ones at that.
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